While I have had my moments of frustration with him when, for example, he decided that he wasn't going to bend his body when I was trying to put him in his car seat after story hour, while screaming, it has been enjoyable to really see "him."
Noah was an excellent listener through his 1's, and while I enjoyed it, it was tougher to see who he really was. Now it is easier to see his personality. He has gotten quite good and letting us know what he wants. While, at times, this transition can be "inconvenient or frustrating" it is also nice when instead of crying, he can simply tell me "mommy foot stuck." Ah ha, now I know how I can help him, no more guess:)
I guess this week I have been challenged to see my child as a true joy in stead of an inconvenience. I decided I was going to thank God every time he threw a tantrum for creating my child with likes, dislikes, and uniquely as his, and I have been amazed to see the Lord change my mind about the circumstance!
There is always hope and Joy in Jesus, I don't know why I am surprised by this when I see it displayed. Like the little things Noah does...his new thing is coming into the kitchen and telling me "dance mommy, dance, up please." When I pick him up he says "Shaaaallllll Weeeeeeeee, Dance" and giggles wildly as we spin around. How precious! How could I not be thankful for such a jewel?
1 comment:
Hi Ellie!
This post was so encouraging to me! I have an extremely strong-willed 15 month old and patience is just so difficult at times. I continue to pray for a sweet spirit and for God to show me how to handle her 'tantrums':)
I would love to briefly connect via email? I won't take too much of your time! I just have a few GAPS and health questions for you!
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