Monday, January 12, 2009

Food Sensitivity? Who cares, I don't feel sick, now pass the brownies!

I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone say, well I don't feel sick. As if that is something to brag about:) When you are diagnosed with a food allergy or a food sensitivity, take it seriously! Most people don't "feel" the affects of any disease, illness, or chronic condition until they are at least %80 there, or in some cases until they are 100% there like with heart disease.

Wheat, our number one culprit. Not all are allergic or sensitive to wheat, but lots are. Some with just sensitivities, tend to eat and either not notice any side effects, or get a mild stomach ache, nothing that will stop them for reaching for that second helping of cake:)

Let's take a look at a wheat/gluten sensitivity or allergy from the gut. When a wheat product is consumed it causes a malabsorption issue b/c the gut can't properly handle it, the end result, a massive deficiency of vitamins B1, B3, B12, Folic acid and the mineral zinc will soon follow. A serious deficiency in any or all of these problems causes issues, the long term result is Dementia.

The malabsorption of vitamins isn't the only problem, the gut also will have issues absorbing essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. The Gut also become super permeable to substances like Aluminum.

One might be more prone to broken bones, cavities, seizures, chronic headaches, miscarriages, illness, weakened immune system and chronic conditions such as recurring ear infections, sinusitis, etc.

Does that Brownie still sound so tempting? We got to see this play out in Noah. Our tip off was seizures, then a magnesium deficiency was discovered, he got his first broken bone at 1 1/2, and suffered from severe eczema.

To some this doesn't apply, if you aren't sensitive or allergic to wheat just take proper care in preparing your grains and enjoy! To those of you who are, is it still worth it? :)

Sources: PPNF Health Journal

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