Thursday, October 2, 2008

Little Chef

Noah was rather interested in what I was doing in the kitchen the other night while I was making dinner, so I decided to let him stand on the chair so he could see what I was doing. I first explained to him what Kale was, and how it had a stem and leave. I showed him how I de-stemmed the kale. Then he grabbed the kale and started to destem. I was so surprised at his accuracy with this project, I decided he was ready for something else. We pulled the food processor out, and he was amazed by it. I let him turn it on. We was so surprised he almost fell over. He wasn't expecting it to turn on and be so loud and amazing:)

After he processed the kale and onion, it was time for the tomatoes. Since I was using Cherry tomatoes this was the perfect activity for him. He was able to feed the cherry tomatoes through the top hole, and then turn the processor on. I'm not sure if he enjoyed feeding the food processor or his face more, but needless to say he had a great time, and I learned to expect the unexpected from my son. Who knew he could be such a help in the kitchen.

How did the project turn out? Well, jonathan said it was one of the best sauces he had ever I say, it went well. After all he is young, think of all the years he has to improve upon his recipe. :)

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