Monday, October 13, 2008


Upon request, I am going to post some vaccine information.

While there are a million reasons to vaccinate or not vaccinate your child, this might throw a curve ball at you. I have recently become aware that many aren't aware that some vaccines are derived from Aborted Human Fetal Tissue. While this might sound shocking, it has been going on for quite some time. The following website contains information about the vaccines that contain aborted human fetal tissue.
What is in that well baby check up Vaccine? The following is the actual page from the CDC listed by vaccination
What do those seemly weird combinations of chemicals do to your system in addition to providing supposed "immunity?"
That is an excellent question. The CDC will inform you that vaccines are "safe" or a "safe alternative" to the actual disease. YOU ultimately, as the parent, get to make that decision. How do you get to make that decision. You research! Start by knowing what the chemicals in those vaccines do to your body once they are let loose. Your body isn't a controlled environment, there are endless reactions that can take place when chemicals are introduced. Some have no reaction immediately, while others will pose a serious sometimes life threatening reaction. The CDC and the FDA really have no way of knowing. I have to give them credit, that no one could have the answer. There is no 100% fail proof way of testing safety...your body is more complicated that a pietry dish.

How do you find information about the chemicals? Well, you could start by googling the effects of Formaldehyde on the system (important to note that most studies done of the safety of formaldehyde are topical and inhalants...not injections. It is considered a human carcinogen when inhaled, or rubbed onto skin. It is also considered to be deadly to a human when injected through an IV at amount of only 1-2 ml. The EWG has more about Formaldehyde as well.) ... and then go on from there another notable one would be Aluminum...those are the two highest occurring ingredients...
Then you would want to be aware of all of the names of MSG as you scroll the list. It can hide as hydrolyzed ____ proteins, yeast extracts, etc.

That should keep you all busy for awhile, when you start asking questions again, I will post another comment.:)


Unknown said...


We are in the process of researching vaccinations. Need to make some sort of decision on the next 4 days - 3 of our kids have scheduled vaccinations....
Where are the links you mention here?


Unknown said...

They are in the blog. I went back through and bolded them so you can find them easier.