Monday, October 13, 2008

Gluten Free Freedom

Since the end of July when we took Noah off his anti-seizure meds, we have been seizure free. All we did...change his diet, most notably, remove gluten, and rice. I was rather fascinated at how removing such products stopped the seizures, then I began to research. We believed that he had a magnesium deficiency based on the Dr's findings, while he probably does, I lately have begun to question the cause of his seizures.
After doing some research on Gluten, there have been various cases of Gluten sensitives or Celiac Disease causing certain forms of "unclassified epilepsy" which was Noah's diagnosis. Even more interesting than that is recent studies indicate that Gluten sensitives could be to blame for a wide variety of other problems, and most individuals with it are going undiagnosed. Why? Well, not everyone with a gluten sensitivity has the severe bowel systems, some have other forms of symptoms, that range from Chronic fatigue to Seizures. When you go to the doctor b/c you are tired or are having seizures, they aren't going to first check for GS. They will run a blood panel, check your levels, they may even find you are anemic which, by the way is a common symptom of GS, or nothing and then prescribe you a supplement or a pharmaceutical which ever they prefer. You go home taking care of the symptom or not, but not doing anything about the actual problem. GS have now been linked to many of the rising diseases, IE: osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Various forms of Cancer, chronic ear infections or sinitus etc.
For those of you who say, "that is nice, but I don't have any food insensitivites," think again. It is estimated that 1 and 111 adults are asymptomatic, today, but has a GS, and 1 and 146 children are also asymptomatic but has the sensitivity. Interesting thought huh? You may be asymptomatic today, but that doesn't mean you will be tomorrow. The reality is as Americans we put so much junk in our systems everyday, that we don't even know what it is to feel healthy, not tired, full of energy etc. You don't if you have any sensitivities until you try eliminating foods from your diet.
Article with more information and definitely worth reading through

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