Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Here is the gist of it:
Suspected - cardiovascular or blood toxicant, neurotoxicant, respiratory toxicant. Implicated as a cause of brain damage; suspected factor in Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, convulsions and comas. More hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out of 6 ranking systems. On at least 2 federal regulatory lists. (This element is not toxic when only in trace amounts, indeed at such levels is even beneficial to the body, however a trace amount is extremely minute - the level in vaccines is enormously higher, at around 0.5%)
The Curse of "Convenience"
Let us take a closer look at the little kitchen miracle the microwave. We all have one in our kitchen, we all use it, and we all wonder what on earth we would have done prior to such an amazing invention. Somewhere along the line our "sixth sense" was thrown out the window or trained to be turned off, especially when we think about the microwave. When they were first widely introduced, our grandmothers, were hesitant to use it, and just thought there was something wrong with the idea of food being placed in a magic box and coming out piping hot 30 seconds later. This magic box, can't be good for the food was the natural conclusion, and so they refrained from this "convenience" while their children and their grandchildren laughed at their "unwillingness to change." I have one question and one questions only: Now who is laughing at who?"
I will give a summary here and then let you read the full text article that was in Nexus Magazine if you want all the gooey details. All the studies in the article are referenced and you can look them up yourself, they are real...not just scare stories.
Microwaves, what do they do?
They change your food on a molecular level and cause irreversible damage to it.
Why does that matter to you?
The change in the food in many cases causes versions of natural vitamins, proteins, and amino acids to convert into unrecconizable or even carcinogenic versions of them formally natural self. These means lower nutrition and lots of harmful effects.
(For example: A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli "zapped" in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97 percent of the beneficial antioxidant chemicals it contains. By comparison, steamed broccoli lost 11 percent or fewer of its antioxidants.)
So I lose a little nutrients, I'm not doing any long term damage...
Think again here too. Individual's blood after eating microwaved food is different from those who have consumed the same food cooked the old fashion way. How did it differ? The microwave eaters had:
- Increased cholesterol levels
- More leukocytes, or white blood cells, which can suggest poisoning
- Decreased numbers of red blood cells
- Production of radiolytic compounds (compounds unknown in nature)
- Decreased hemoglobin levels, which could indicate anemic tendencies
Oh, the curse of convenience.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
BPA in more than just Tupperware
We were all out raged by the melanin in the baby formulas, but we stand idly by and let BPA in our baby formulas. Why? Well, most Americans don't know about BPA, what it does and how it could possibly be in canned goods, nor does it immediately make you ill. It causes "irreversible damage to hormone production."
You start to feel that the standard is, if it doesn't immediately kill you or produce catastrophic results, it doesn't make the front page, or even the 16th page of the news. Slow killers go unnoticed for years. The EWG has some amazing articles and research out about BPA in foods and infant formulas. Please click here to see the article, and here to see the infant formula purchasing guide.
Monday, October 13, 2008
(Used in vaccines as a tissue fixative)
Aust. National Research Council: Fewer than 20% but perhaps more than 10% of the general population may be susceptible to formaldehyde and may react acutely at any exposure level. More hazardous than most chemicals in 5 out of 12 ranking systems, on at least 8 federal regulatory lists, ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems and human health (Environmental Defense Fund).
It is not safe at ANY level.
National Academy of Science:
There is no population threshold for irritation effects.
National Research Council:
Fewer than 20% but perhaps more than 10% of the general population may be susceptible to formaldehyde and may react acutely at any exposure level.
Formaldehyde is oxidised to formic acid which leads to acidosis and nerve damage. Acidosis can be described as a condition in which the acidity of the body tissues and fluids is abnormally high. The liver and the kidneys may also be damaged.
Other effects:
Eye; nasal; throat and pulmonary irritation; acute sense of smell; alters tissue proteins; anaemia; antibodies formation; apathy; blindness; blood in urine; blurred vision; body aches; bronchial spasms; bronchitis; burns nasal and throat; cardiac impairment; palpitations and arrhythmias; central nervous system depression; changes in higher cognitive functions; chemical sensitivity; chest pains and tightness; chronic vaginitis; colds; coma; conjunctivitis; constipation; convulsions; corneal erosion; cough; death; destruction of red blood cells; depression; dermatitis; diarrhoea; difficulty concentrating; disorientation; dizziness; ear aches; eczema; emotional upsets; ethmoid polyps; fatigue; fecula bleeding; foetal asphyxiation (and they don’t know what could cause SIDS?); flu-like or cold like illness; frequent urination with pain; gastritis; gastrointestinal inflammation; headaches; haemolytic anaemia; haemolytic haematuria; hoarseness; hyperactive airway disease; hyperactivity; hypomenstrual syndrome; immune system sensitiser; impaired (short) attention span; impaired capacity to attain attention; inability or difficulty swallowing; inability to recall words and names; inconsistent IQ profiles; inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs; intestinal pain; intrinsic asthma; irritability; jaundice; joint pain; aches and swelling; kidney pain; laryngeal spasm; loss of memory; loss of sense of smell; loss of taste; malaise; menstrual and testicular pain; menstrual irregularities; metallic taste; muscle spasms and cramps; nasal congestions; crusting and mucosae inflammation; nausea; nosebleeds; numbness and tingling of the forearms and finger tips; pale, clammy skin; partial laryngeal paralysis; pneumonia; post nasal drip; pulmonary oedema; reduced body temperature; retarded speech pattern; ringing or tingling in the ear; schizophrenic-type symptoms; sensitivity to sound; shock; short term memory loss; shortness of breath; skin lesions; sneezing; sore throat; spacey feeling; speaking difficulty; sterility; swollen glands; tearing; thirst; tracheitis; tracheobronchitis; vertigo; vomiting blood; vomiting; wheezing.
References; C. Wilson; Chemical Exposure and Human Health (1993), McFarland & Company taken from Our Toxic Times Feb 1997 pgs 18 & 19.
While there are a million reasons to vaccinate or not vaccinate your child, this might throw a curve ball at you. I have recently become aware that many aren't aware that some vaccines are derived from Aborted Human Fetal Tissue. While this might sound shocking, it has been going on for quite some time. The following website contains information about the vaccines that contain aborted human fetal tissue.
What is in that well baby check up Vaccine? The following is the actual page from the CDC listed by vaccination
What do those seemly weird combinations of chemicals do to your system in addition to providing supposed "immunity?"
That is an excellent question. The CDC will inform you that vaccines are "safe" or a "safe alternative" to the actual disease. YOU ultimately, as the parent, get to make that decision. How do you get to make that decision. You research! Start by knowing what the chemicals in those vaccines do to your body once they are let loose. Your body isn't a controlled environment, there are endless reactions that can take place when chemicals are introduced. Some have no reaction immediately, while others will pose a serious sometimes life threatening reaction. The CDC and the FDA really have no way of knowing. I have to give them credit, that no one could have the answer. There is no 100% fail proof way of testing safety...your body is more complicated that a pietry dish.
How do you find information about the chemicals? Well, you could start by googling the effects of Formaldehyde on the system (important to note that most studies done of the safety of formaldehyde are topical and inhalants...not injections. It is considered a human carcinogen when inhaled, or rubbed onto skin. It is also considered to be deadly to a human when injected through an IV at amount of only 1-2 ml. The EWG has more about Formaldehyde as well.) ... and then go on from there another notable one would be Aluminum...those are the two highest occurring ingredients...
Then you would want to be aware of all of the names of MSG as you scroll the list. It can hide as hydrolyzed ____ proteins, yeast extracts, etc.
That should keep you all busy for awhile, when you start asking questions again, I will post another comment.:)
Gluten Free Freedom
After doing some research on Gluten, there have been various cases of Gluten sensitives or Celiac Disease causing certain forms of "unclassified epilepsy" which was Noah's diagnosis. Even more interesting than that is recent studies indicate that Gluten sensitives could be to blame for a wide variety of other problems, and most individuals with it are going undiagnosed. Why? Well, not everyone with a gluten sensitivity has the severe bowel systems, some have other forms of symptoms, that range from Chronic fatigue to Seizures. When you go to the doctor b/c you are tired or are having seizures, they aren't going to first check for GS. They will run a blood panel, check your levels, they may even find you are anemic which, by the way is a common symptom of GS, or nothing and then prescribe you a supplement or a pharmaceutical which ever they prefer. You go home taking care of the symptom or not, but not doing anything about the actual problem. GS have now been linked to many of the rising diseases, IE: osteoporosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Various forms of Cancer, chronic ear infections or sinitus etc.
For those of you who say, "that is nice, but I don't have any food insensitivites," think again. It is estimated that 1 and 111 adults are asymptomatic, today, but has a GS, and 1 and 146 children are also asymptomatic but has the sensitivity. Interesting thought huh? You may be asymptomatic today, but that doesn't mean you will be tomorrow. The reality is as Americans we put so much junk in our systems everyday, that we don't even know what it is to feel healthy, not tired, full of energy etc. You don't if you have any sensitivities until you try eliminating foods from your diet.
Article with more information and definitely worth reading through
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The American Corn Refiners Association
Some interesting facts. First of all, HFCS is not good for you, and is one of the worst things you could put in your body. It isn't a nutrient! It contains no healthful benefits. Check out my links on the side of the page if you want more facts from reputable sources.
On a more interesting side note. There was just an article back in April 2008 about how the FDA and finally starting the new requirement of removing 'Natural" from the label of any food containing HFCS. I was so excited I thought the FDA was finally making a good decision. Well, shorting after that decision was made the CRA birthed its campaign. We are now in October, and in June 2008 only 2 months after the original decision was made to remove natural from the label, it was overturned. Now, the FDA does allow Natural on the label of products containing HFCS. The new ruling can be found on the CRA home page under please don't read anything else on this webpage as it is filled with misleading information the quote scrolls in the home page and says:
"The Food and Drug Administration stated, referring to a process commonly used by the corn refining industry, that it "would not object to the use of the term 'natural' on a product containing the HFCS produced by [that] manufacturing process..." GA June, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (Letter to Corn Refiners Assocation, July 3, 2008.).
The original article on the FDA decision in April can be found here:
Needless to say don't be fooled by ads or even by the FDA decisions. If you are curious about the refining process of HFCS please read here:
Or information on the actual sweetener check out the Debra lynn Dadd link and look for her sugar page.
Here are the warnings wikipedia had for it:
There are a number of relevant studies published in peer reviewed journals suggesting a link between high fructose diets and adverse health effects[citation needed]. Studies on the effect of fructose, as reviewed by Elliot et al.,[18] implicate increased consumption of fructose (due primarily to the increased consumption of sugars but also partly due to the slightly higher fructose content of HFCS as compared to sucrose) in obesity and insulin resistance. Chi-Tang Ho et al. found that soft drinks sweetened with HFCS are up to 10 times richer in harmful carbonyl compounds, such as methylglyoxal, than a diet soft drink control.[19] Carbonyl compounds are elevated in people with diabetes and are blamed for causing diabetic complications such as foot ulcers and eye and nerve damage;[20][21] Furthermore, a study in mice suggests that fructose increases obesity.[22] Large quantities of fructose stimulate the liver to produce triglycerides, promotes glycation of proteins and induces insulin resistance.[23] According to one study, the average American consumes nearly 70 pounds of HFCS per annum, marking HFCS as a major contributor to the rising rates of obesity in the last generation. [24]
A 2007 study also raised concerns of possible liver damage as a result of HFCS in combination with a high fat diet and a sedentary lifestyle.[25]
I could write a book from the information on the CRA website, so look for more posts.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Little Chef
After he processed the kale and onion, it was time for the tomatoes. Since I was using Cherry tomatoes this was the perfect activity for him. He was able to feed the cherry tomatoes through the top hole, and then turn the processor on. I'm not sure if he enjoyed feeding the food processor or his face more, but needless to say he had a great time, and I learned to expect the unexpected from my son. Who knew he could be such a help in the kitchen.
How did the project turn out? Well, jonathan said it was one of the best sauces he had ever I say, it went well. After all he is young, think of all the years he has to improve upon his recipe. :)