Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cod liver Oil

So, with all the talk about vitamin D and winter months...I have been asked what brands of cod liver oil do I reccomend. Make sure any brand you buy has been screened for mercury, has been cold processed, and has not had the original vitamin component removed. Fish oils in general are in the media right now because of Omega benefits. Many manufacturers, however, are removing the naturally occuring vit A and D for concerns of toxicity, and then adding back in lower levels of said vitamins in their synthetic form.

Some brand reccomends:]

In Stores: Garden of Life, regular dose cod liver oil; Nordic Naturals Vitamin D Cod Liver Oil

Online/Mail Order:

Additional label information if you are choosing a brand not on this list. Some brands of cod liver oil contain very little vitamin D compared to vitamin A. The ration of A to D in cod liver oil should be 10 to 1 or less. (In one popular brand, the ratio of A to D is almost 100 to 1.) Vitamin A and vitamin D work synergistically and without the vitamin D, the vitamin A could be toxic. (Don't buy has a 1000 to 1 ratio.)
Additional Information in Article Form

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been using a cod liver oil tablet with my meals to help keep my joints supple and I have noticed a considerable reduction in the pains in my wrists which is fantastic.