Thursday, November 6, 2008

Flu Season

With the brink of flu season quickly approaching, the start of flu shots has begun. It seems I can't walk into a store or read a newspaper, that doesn't have some sort of promotion of this vaccine. I am not going to go into all the reasons and research that suggests that they are ineffective, if you want more about that, leave a comment and I will dedicate a post to it, but rather what you can do to prevent, shorten or lessen the symptoms of the flu naturally.

We will talk about 4 things in the post:

The new wonder vitamin. Vitamin D wins the vitamin spotlight this flu season. New research suggests that our vitamin D requirement, from the FDA, is guesstimated to be aprox. ten times lower than what our bodies really need. This new research also shows the important role that vitamin D plays in helping our immune systems fight off viruses (including the flu.)

We have known for a while now that Vitamin C is a wonderful immune booster too! The important thing to note about Vitamin C is that it is not a heat stable vitamin. By that I mean, once heated the activating power in the vitamin is killed. What does that mean for you? Put down the pasteurized OJ, and eat an organic orange straight up!

Garlic is a wonderful natural anti-fungal and bacterial agent as well. Garlic, just like vitamin C, needs to be consumed in its raw unheated state. Once it is heated, the antimicrobial agent is killed. So, hold your nose and chew some cloves. :)

Coconut oil. Natures miracle oil, Why? Coconut oil as well, has antimicrobial agents in it. Lauric acid is most commonly noted in the oil. This helps the brain and the immune system all at one time! Just think you are getting smarter and avoiding the flu all at one time! A recent study showed the patients who had pneumonia who were supplemented with Coconut oil recovered faster than those who just had antibiotic treatment.

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